Thursday, December 31, 2009


Welcome to the William Annin Middle School Technology Tips Blog. I decided to set this up as a forum to share ideas related to technology, particularly as they pertain to the needs of the staff and students at William Annin Middle School. Posts will come from responses to inquiries around the building as well as ideas that I believe you can use to enhance your use of technology. Feel free to comment on any of the posts or email me with questions / suggestions. I hope you find my entries helpful.

Mr. Isaacs


Marie Piccoline said...

Steve, I am a graduate student at Rutgers in the School of Communication, Information and Library Science. Presently I am taking a Social Software class and have subscribed to your blog since it looks like there is a wealth of relevant information on it. You may know me as the library aide at Cedar Hill School--and yes, I know and admire your fantastic wife ! Thanks for the blog, Marie Piccoline

Games and Learning said...

Thanks Marie! Good luck with the program at Rutgers. Let me know if I could be of assistance with anything.

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